Monday 19 June 2017

Microsoft Now Lets Surface Laptop Owners Revert Back to Windows 10 S

Microsoft is now allowing Surface Laptop owners to revert to Windows 10 S after upgrading to Windows 10 Pro. While the upgrade path from Windows 10 S to Windows 10 Pro on the Surface Laptop is quick and easy, return to Windows 10 S is not simple. Microsoft is offering special software restore images for Surface Portable devices, and you will need to clean the entire machine to go back to Windows 10 S.

This is surprisingly complicated given the change to Windows 10 Pro takes less than a minute and involves a simple reboot. However, if you really want to go back to Windows 10 S and clean your drive clean, then Microsoft recovery images are available on the company's surface site. It is unclear whether Microsoft plans to enable an easier downgrade method in the future, or simply rely on Windows 10 S device manufacturers to provide restore images.

The Microsoft Surface Laptop is the first device running Windows 10 S, a new variant of Windows 10 designed to run Windows Store applications. HP, Acer and other PC makers are planning to launch low-cost Windows 10 S laptops in the coming months.

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